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Search for linda phillips - 19 results found
Linda Phillips’s “Tax Advantages of Selling to a Worker Cooperative” blog
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Linda Phillips’s “Cooperative Equity Capital, Income and Patronage: How They Work Together” blog
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Linda Phillips and Jason Wiener’s “Creative Application of Co-op Business Models” Webinar
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Linda Phillips’s ”Use of the Word Cooperative” blog
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Gallun Snow becomes employee owned with assistance from RMEOC and attorneys Linda Phillips and Tonya Price
Member Spotlight: Gallun Snow Interior Design Gallun Snow Becomes Employee Owned! Gallun Snow Interior Design became employee owned on October 1st. The company began in 1988 and is now a nationally recognized Healthcare Interior Design firm. They have an amazing team and are excited to be able to maintain what they have built over the …
Linda Phillips
Linda Phillips Senior Of Counsel A thriving small business community is vital to the health of any society and I believe in providing small businesses legal options that will best suit their particular industries and missions. Linda Phillips (she/her)Denver, CO(303) 520-9944 linda@jrwiener.comRead Linda’s blog here Linda Phillips was born in Nurnberg, Germany to an American …
Thoughts from a new economies’ attorney: patterns that create different kinds of (business) ownership – cooperative capital
In my last post, I talked about how capital looks like in a traditional business. As a recap, traditionally, capital is invested in the business with a goal of extracting profits and controlling how the business is done – the more money an investor (owner or shareholder) puts in the business, (i) the more return …
Reflections on Our 5-year Anniversary (est. 2014)
Today marks the 5-year anniversary of our firm, Jason Wiener|p.c., a public benefit corporation. For any start-up or entrepreneur, this occasion is ceremonious and marks a point of reflection and inflection. Many think about the strategic pivots that led to their success (or survival), and the humble ones acknowledge the dumb luck along the way. …
Women in the Law
It is common knowledge that women outnumber men in law school enrollment, but they aren’t sticking with the profession. While women are well represented at associate levels (approximately 46%), there is a sharp decline in the senior ranks. Only nineteen percent of equity partners are women. For every one hundred women promoted to partner, one …