David Kerr and Miles Jennings’s essay, “A Legal Framework for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations” identifies a number of taxation, entity formation, and operational issues pertaining to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (“DAOs”) and suggests a domestic entity structure – unincorporated nonprofit association – capable of addressing such issues, including filing and paying U.S. taxes, opening an entity bank …
Becomming Employee Owned’s Larger Worker Coops
BEO’s Larger Worker Coops provides a linked Lists of Coops ranging from 25+ to 100+ workers.
Becoming Employee Owned’s Mature Worker Coops
BEO’s Mature Worker Coops provides linked lists of Coops ranging from 20-50 years old.
Pinchot University’s Cooperative Brewery Case Study
Pinchot University’s Cooperative Brewery Case Study is a 20 page report that introduces case studies of cooperative breweries, describing governance structure and financing.
SELC’s Legal Guide to Cooperative Conversions: A Business Owner’s Legal Guide to Cooperative Conversion Including Conversion Models, Case Studies and Sample Documents
SELC’s, Legal Guide to Cooperative Conversions: A Business Owner’s Legal Guide to Cooperative Conversion Including Conversion Models, Case Studies and Sample Documents, is an 80 page report providing a comprehensive guide to converting businesses to cooperatives.
The ICA Group’s Democratic Governance: The Design of Governance Systems for Worker Cooperatives
The ICA Group’s Democratic Governance: The Design of Governance Systems for Worker Cooperatives describes a model governance structure for cooperatives.
The Cooperative Development Center at Kent State University’s Solidarity as a Business Model report
This 70 page report published by the Cooperative Development Center at Kent State University, Solidarity as a Business Model: A Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives Manual provides an introduction to cooperatives with case studies, including governance structure with 2+ classes.
Reason Street’s “Capital Options” Chart
This graphic summarizes the decisions that each founder will need to make in determining a financing strategy.
The Community Wealth Building Network’s “An Introduction to Financing for Cooperatives, Social Enterprise, and Small Businesses”
The Community Wealth Building Network’s 30 page report, An Introduction to Financing for Cooperatives, Social Enterprise, and Small Businesses provides an introduction to the different types of capital start-ups could consider.
Jason Wiener’s “Cooperatives and Capital: Creative Use of the Cooperative Business Models”
Jason Wiener’s “Cooperatives and Capital” slide deck provides an overview of corporate and capital types and their relationships.