In this recording from the 2021 Wyoming Blockchain Stampede Law Conference at the University of Wyoming, Matthew Kaufman, Partner/Attorney, Hathaway & Kunz, examines the decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) that were established by the Wyoming Legislature in 2021.
The Encrypted Economy’s “Are DAO’s and Cooperatives a Good Fit?” featuring Linda Phillips, Yev Muchnik, and Jacqueline Radebaugh of JWPC
The Encrypted Economy’s “Are DAO’s and Cooperatives a Good Fit?” features Eric Hess interviewing Linda Phillips, Yev Muchnik, and Jacqueline Radebaugh of JWPC about legal and mechanics aspects of organizing DAOs as LCAs.
Isabelle Tatum’s “Introduction to DAOs”
First presented as an internal training by law student Isabelle Tatum, this video presents basic aspects of DAOs and cooperatives in a simple and easy to understand fashion.
Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” TED Talk
Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” also known as “Start With Why” is a 20 minute video explaining how leaders inspire action.
The Business Channel’s “Startup Tips – What is your unique value proposition (UVP)?”
The Business Channel’s “Startup Tips – What is your unique value proposition (UVP)?” is a 5 minute video explaining How to create a unique value proposition.
The Business Channel’s “The Business Model Template”
The Business Channel’s “The Business Model Template” is a 10 minute video revealing 9 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Model.
Linda Phillips and Jason Wiener’s “Creative Application of Co-op Business Models” Webinar
This one hour video, Creative Application of Co-op Business Models, featuring the Co-op Professionals Group, further illustrates how the cooperative model can be creatively applied to lots of different sectors and industries and can solve many needs of diverse communities. The possibilities and the historical use of cooperative models are vast.
“Introduction and Benefits of Selling to the Workers” Video
This 20 minutes video, “Introduction and Benefits of Selling to the Workers” provides an introduction to the benefits of employee ownership and the cooperative model.
“The Power of Cooperatives: Nathan Schneider & Jason Wiener at The Harvard Law Forum” Video
This one hour video, “The Power of Cooperatives: Nathan Schneider & Jason Wiener at The Harvard Law Forum”, highlights the creative possibilities and adaptations of the cooperative model for social impact. Learning objectives include creative expansion, understanding of sector inter-connectedness, and broad understanding of various cooperative modalities.
“What is a Coop?” Infographic & Video
“What is a Coop?”