This one hour video, “The Power of Cooperatives: Nathan Schneider & Jason Wiener at The Harvard Law Forum”, highlights the creative possibilities and adaptations of the cooperative model for social impact. Learning objectives include creative expansion, understanding of sector inter-connectedness, and broad understanding of various cooperative modalities.
JWPC Resource
“What is a Coop?” Infographic & Video
“What is a Coop?”
Jason Wiener’s “Limited Cooperative Associations and Early Stage Financing” blog
Jason Wiener’s blog post, “Limited Cooperative Associations and Early Stage Financing” offers an introduction to different equity offering options.
Jason Wiener’s ”Capital Basics: Five Categories of Financing” blog
Jason Wiener’s blog post, ”Capital Basics: Five Categories of Financing” goes back to the basics and briefly describes the five categories of financing: debt, equity, convertible debt, grants, and rewards-based fundraising. Most types of fundraising fall within one or more of these areas.
Jason Wiener’s “Cooperatives and Capital: Creative Use of the Cooperative Business Models”
Jason Wiener’s “Cooperatives and Capital” slide deck provides an overview of corporate and capital types and their relationships.
Jason Wiener’s “Ownership Design” V-Blog
In this 22 minute video, Part 2 of Jason Wiener’s V-Blog Platform Cooperative Series, he provides details about entity choice, ownership design, tax structure, governance, and economics & finance.
Jason Wiener’s “Introduction to Platform Cooperatives” V-Blog
In this 7 minute video, Part 1 of Jason Wiener’s V-Blog Platform Cooperative Series, he provides information about Multi-Stakeholder Cooperative Structures and Platform Cooperativism.