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Restructuring a business

The Defiant’s Exclusive Report: Solving the Riddle of the DAO with Colorado’s Cooperative Laws by Jacqueline Radebaugh and Yev Muchnik

Our Partner and Shareholder, Jacqueline Radebaugh and Senior of Counsel, Yev Muchnik recently wrote this Exclusive Report: Solving the Riddle of the DAO with Colorado’s Cooperative Laws for The Defiant in which they reflect their legal analysis and anecdotal experience with DAOs adopting the LCA cooperative legal framework in the United States; as with other …

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Patagonia “Exits to Climate”: A Win for Capitalism, But a Mixed Bag for Stakeholder Governance

I, like most, was delighted to read the news that Patagonia’s shareholders decided to give away ownership of the company to benefit the climate and not private equity, a strategic buyer, or public capital markets. We’ve written extensively on mechanisms for mission protection in corporate entities.   It appears that the Chouinard family, which owned …

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Updated Section 1042 Tax Benefits

There is a section of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that provides some tax benefits for people who sell their companies to either an ESOP or to a worker cooperative. This blog will explain how 1042 provides tax advantages when selling to a cooperative.  If you are thinking of becoming employee-owned or selling your business to …

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Selling to a Worker Coop Over Time

Many businesses are looking at the possibility of selling their companies to their employees through a worker cooperative.  They have crunched the numbers, gotten the employees interested, have figured out the financing, but now want to explore the timing of a potential sale.  Often there is a misconception that the owners have to sell 100% of the business in one lump sum, in …

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